
Does CBD Make You Last Longer

Does CBD Make You Last Longer

Does CBD Make You Last Longer, As studies and research keep rolling out, it’s emerging that CBD is a wonder compound that keeps giving. It has been associated with numerous health and wellness benefits, including discomfort, appetite, and muscle recovery support, so it’s not far-fetched for one to wonder if CBD could help them last longer and spice things up in the bedroom. Considering the importance of a fiery bedroom in relationship matters, you can see why many people would be excited at the chance of having a natural compound that would help them last longer and strengthen their relationship. But is this just a claim, or can CBD help you last longer in bed?

What is CBD?

Assuming you’ve just stumbled on CBD while looking for other bedroom aids, let’s start with giving you a crash course on what CBD is and why it’s very popular. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a vital, naturally occurring chemical in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD became popular because of its wellness benefits and the fact that it doesn’t induce the intoxicating high associated with its close cousin THC, yet another cannabinoid that is more prevalent in the marijuana plant. People have used CBD for just about anything. It’s been used as a nutritional supplement and a natural aid in managing symptoms like chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Many of those that have used CBD for these and other applications have heaped praise on CBD and its effectiveness, influencing more people to try CBD for various other reasons.

Can You Use CBD to Improve Sexual Performance?

Many people think CBD can help you enhance your roll in the hay. With the unique ways CBD interacts with the body, it’s impossible to rule out if it could have an impact on helping you last longer because it’s a regulator which could just as well help an overly-excited male partner put in some extra work in the bedroom.

CBD and Your ECS

The ECS, or the Endocannabinoid System, is an internal regulation system found in all mammals. It is mainly used to process endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produces inside the body). However, it also plays a crucial role in the orgasm process. Understanding the role of the ECS is the starting point to knowing how CBD could help you last longer in bed. 2-Arachidonolylglycerol or 2-AG is an endocannabinoid that spikes during orgasm. The spike of this endocannabinoid activates receptors in the brain’s pleasure circuit, triggering a sensation of bliss. Endorphins have largely gotten credit for this feeling, but it’s actually the Anandamide endocannabinoid, fondly known as the “bliss molecule. Anandamide and 2-AG are the most abundant endocannabinoids known to science. These are naturally produced in the body but have a similar molecular structure to phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by plants). Sexual performance and orgasm are as much a mental as it is a physical journey. Your mood, thoughts, and anxiety can get in the way of the body producing 2-AG and Anandamide, ultimately impacting your performance.

Can CBD Make You Last Longer?

Yes. CBD may help you last longer in bed. However, no research has been done to back the claim of CB.D helping you last longer in bed. But there are connections and other CBD benefits that cumulatively can help you enjoy a better sexual experience, like anti-anxiety effects that help blood vessels relax and facilitate ample blood flow to all the sexual organs, which can heighten sensation and possibly longer-lasting sex.

Benefits of CBD in Your Sex Life

The details of how CB.D impacts your sex life are still sketchy. More research needs to be done, but anecdotal evidence is pointing to various ways CB.D can positively impact your sex life, not just for men but also men like;

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a rampant condition affecting a lot of men. It gets in the way of achieving optimum sexual sensation and can present in different ways. A published research highlights how Ayurveda practitioners have used CB.D and other cannabinoids for a long time to improve sexual performance. CB.D may help relax blood vessels and promote better blood flow to crucial organs during sex, like the penis, improving sexual stamina and reducing erectile dysfunction.

Vaginal dryness

Lubrication is crucial for enjoyable sex. Lack of lubrication can lead to painful sex. You can find CB.D lubricants that promote pleasure by eliminating dryness and promoting blood flow for a better sexual experience. More research on the connection between CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties and its potential as a sex enhancer is necessary to shed light on this topic.

Sexual anxiety

You have the best sexual experience with a relaxed mind. But sex itself can send your mind into overdrive. Sexual anxiety is a thing, and it can massively affect your sexual performance. The anxiety can also affect your sexual mood making it harder to get an erection or causing premature ejaculation. Luckily, research has found CB.D is highly effective in easing anxiety before sex and in other circumstances. It achieves this by increasing the brain’s sensitivity to cortisol and serotonin hormones which are responsible for regulating attention, breathing, and blood flow. When taking CBD for anxiety, take it 30 minutes before engaging in sexual activity to ensure it hits optimum absorption while you’re in the act for maximum effects.

How Can You Use CBD to Improve Your Sexual Experience

You can choose from several CBD products designed to enhance your sexual experience;

CBD oil, capsules, or edibles

You can consume CBD oil, edibles, or capsules 30 minutes before sex to promote relaxation and get your mind in the right mood for sex. Using these general forms of CBD helps to improve your body’s response to stress and improves your chances of getting in the right mood for sex.

CBD lotion or massage oil

You can use CB.D massage oil or lotion to make foreplay more exciting. You can use massage oil or lotion to massage your partner’s back as you create the right mood for the occasion. You can also use CB.D lubes to reduce dryness and enhance pleasure during sex once you get into the right mood.

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